tuesday, may 4, 1993, 5:29 p.m.
twenty-one years ago today if you’re doing the math.
and those twenty-one years??
they went by in flash.
tripp and i drove to see her this morning. to celebrate her big day.
all the way home i was thinking about her. about how proud i am of her. what a true delight it has been to be her momma for the past twenty-one years.
i am so proud of her for a million reasons. she’s a good kid, makes good grades…all that kind of stuff. but what i am really proud of is, not so much what she does, but rather…proud of who she is.
i’m proud of her for not backing down from challenges. for her courage in doing hard things. for the way she doesn’t take herself too seriously. for her big dreams.
it is not easy being an only child….being the sole bearer of all your parents’ hopes and dreams. but it is a burden she has carried with grace and dignity.
and so for twenty-one years she has been a wonderful daughter in every way. but now it’s her turn to fly. to chase her own dreams. and i can’t wait to see where they take her.
happy birthday sweet girl. i love you so very much.
As the mother of an ‘only’ {and grandmother of an ‘only’} my heart hears what you’re saying here. Congratulations to you and Tripp for doing such a fine job as parents {even though none of us is perfect!} and congratulations to Kelsey … for listening, dreaming, and achieving. This is an exciting time to watch our child spread their wings. xoxo
What a lovely post. As an only, I love that you mention that piece of your daughter. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl.
I agree totally with all written except she had 3 siblings that love her dearly And would tattle on her quickly. Hahaha!!! So excited for her right of passage!!
What a joy to read and behold. Your sweet Kelsey turning 21. Happy birthday from the Fishpeople. oxoxoxoxo
She is so beautiful, just like you and although my girl has a ways to go, I’m not far behind with my 19 year old son. (blink) It’s not easy giving roots and wings but it seems as though you have done a most excellent job with that mama!
Happy 21st birthday to your wonderful daughter! Exciting times ahead for her, I’m sure!
Time does go by quickly. She’s a lovely young woman.