change always comes bearing gifts. ~price pritchett
be careful. drive safely. take care.
i can’t tell you how many times i’ve spoken these same words to my daughter…often in the same conversation. because that’s what we do right? as a mom i want her to be safe…protect her from danger. keep her from getting hurt.
i wonder sometimes if i say these things to her because this i what i want too….a life free of pain.
recently i was faced with a big decision regarding my ‘real’ job. an opportunity presented itself to me and i forced to make a decision between playing it safe – staying with what was familiar even if it wasn’t making me happy– and doing something a little different…rocking the boat.
for the record, i don’t thing there is anything wrong with playing it safe. i very much believe there is a case for not rocking the boat. when life is good, to sit quiet and still in the boat and soak up the peace, enjoy the sunset reflected in the calm water…
but about in stormy seas? when the boat is already rocking? well i’m starting to think that sitting in the boat scared and afraid is quite possibly the worst course of action.
for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. ~2 timothy 1:7
i made a big decision this year. i got out of the boat. i stepped out in faith. and it has been one of the best decisions i have made.
i’ll be honest though…although i do not regret making the decision in the slightest, the past couple of months have had their share of frustration. i have become reacquainted with my distaste for the learning curve. and there are days when i have felt unsettled and out of my element. but it’s also been exciting to feel myself rise to the challenge. to live in that uncomfortable yet exhilarating space of doing new things. of seeing myself in a new light.
creativity takes courage. ~henri matisse
the past few days, i have been sharing how lessons from my (a)rt have influenced by (A)rt. but i think this is a case where the reverse is true. and going forward, i hope to tap into this strength and courage. to step out in faith and believe in my abilities.
i know that i will never be a ziplining, skydiving, adrenaline junkie…that’s just not in my nature. and i do not believe there is one thing wrong with being cautious or careful. but this i know…whether it’s in my life or in my art, even it means that i might crash and burn a little, i am done with letting fear make my decisions for me.
thank you so much for joining me on my 31 day writing challenge. to see all of the posts in this series, please click here. and if you would like to receive future posts via email, you can subscribe here.
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