creativity is just connecting things. ~steve jobs
you think i’m kidding, don’t you?
i know i’ve said it a million times on my blog, but it is absolutely, 100% the truth. i get my best ideas when i’m doing mindless activities like vacuuming the carpet or blow drying my hair. in fact, the inception for this entire series started out as a random thought in my living room while vacuuming the carpet.
there is some actual science behind this phenomenon. your brain basically has two major operating systems – logic and creativity. if you are anything like me, your logic brain is the one in control most of the time. my ‘real job’ requires a lot of critical thinking and it seems like the rest of my day is spent trying to cram in all the other stuff into the remaining hours.
but when your logic brain is mildly engaged in a relatively easy, yet repetitive task, it allows the creative side of your brain to be in charge. where our logic brain looks for the usual answers, the typical paths of problem solving that are like carved out like ruts in the road, our creative brain is constantly scanning the catalog of images that we have accumulated. and when our creative brain is allowed to take the wheel, so to speak, it can make all kinds of interesting connections. things that we might not have ever put together.
so if you need helping solving a problem or need a little inspiration, go and find a mindless, repetitive activity. vacuum the carpet, power-wash your patio, chop vegetable, clean your windows, take a drive.
the thing is, you already know what the answer is. all you have to do is stop chasing it with your logic brain and let your creativity show it to you.
ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. matthew 7:7
thank you so much for joining me on my 31 day writing challenge. to see all of the posts in this series, please click here. and if you would like to receive future posts via email, you can subscribe here.
maybe thats what’ s weong with me -I avoid vacuuming as long as possible!!