Over the weekend, we did a little cat-sitting for our girl who had to go out of town for her new job. We decided that it would probably be best for Poppy to come over to our house for a couple of reasons. First there was the issue of the apartment access key-fob handoff timing which was turning out to be problematic. And second is the issue of of Poppy’s new little trick of fetching socks from Kelsey’s drawer and dropping them into her water bowl leaving her without access to fresh water. And if you happen to have a cat in your life, you know how finicky they can be about have fresh water at all times.
Anyway, all that is to say that Poppy stayed with us for few a few days. Now having grown up with cats and been a cat owner pretty much my whole life, I know how much cats detest riding in the car and/or moving into a new space. But since she’s been to our house several times before (albeit with Kelsey), I hoped that she would get settled and start feel somewhat at home a bit sooner. Which, I am happy to report was the case….it didn’t take her long until to she found our bedroom window (her happy place) and seemed to be content to hang out there during the day.
So the thing about Poppy….well she’s not really like any cat I’ve every had. Much of that can be attributed to her unique coloring – Poppy is a tortoise shell cat (or “tortie” for short). And they are know for their feisty personalities – strong-willed, hot-tempered – and ‘talkative’ nature. I came to know this firsthand over the weekend when I encroached on her very well defined personal boundaries.
As it happened on Saturday, I was at my bathroom window with my magnifying mirror plucking my eyebrows and picking at my blackheads…as one does. And I feel Poppy rubbing against my legs – which is sort of like cat language for ‘hello human…you belong to me now’. Which is usually a positive thing. I felt like we were starting to bond a bit so in my haste to make it official I picked her up and cradled her in my arms.
Bad idea.
I’ll spare you the gory details but suffice it say that once Daisy got involved it ended up with me at the kitchen sink with a bottle of peroxide.
At any rate. Poppy and I both survived the weekend without further incident. And the absolutely sweetest thing was to see Poppy come running when Kelsey came over yesterday to pick her up. Poppy sure loves her momma….I guess that’s something Poppy and I both have in common.
She is a beauty, Kelly, and although it probably gets frustrating at times, I just love her little sock “trick!!”