here are links to some of my favorite posts.
the sunday funk
revealing a scar
irises, salvia, and the meaning of life
rescue me
room to grow
my not-so-empty nest
my inner critic
a self-portrait
i tried
focusing on life
i like her…i really like her
what photography taught me about motherhood
making the grade in motherhood
where here dreams will take her
there she goes
the story she’s writing
new beginnings
we’ll leave the light on for ya
what moms do
labor pains
ten things i love about my daughter
what a sunrise at the beach taught me about faith
the view from up there
root bound
praising Him in the storm
my not-so-perfect life
on my knees in the garden of life
finding peace this christmas
why it’s not about me
at the end of the day
permission granted
what a difference a year makes
if you give a mom a macro
my everyday offering
ten things i’ve learned about photography
why i will never stop taking pictures of my cat
learning to love black and white
redbuds revisited