around here, i am so happy to share that my dad got to go home last wednesday afternoon. he is feeling better and continues to get stronger every day. thank you all again for your kind words and thoughts and prayers.
around here, i am also happy to report that riley is feeling better. he had been battling a bladder infection, but with a round of antibiotics he is acting much more like himself. which means he sleeps for approximately 19.85 hours per day.
around here, we spent valentine’s weekend at home. sunday after church, tripp went to the gun range. naturally. i chose to indulge in some more civilized endeavors in the kitchen.
around here, chocolate is my love language.
around here, neighbors who hang lighted hearts on their trees = awesome.
around here, i am enjoying – dare i say luxuriating? – in tripp’s payback to me for going with him to see ‘the revenant’. saturday night we rented ‘the intern’ which was just about the sweetest, lovliest movie that i’ve seen in a long time. really…i just loved it. so hang in there babe…only 9 more to go. if it gets too bad just put your head down and cover your eyes and ears with your hands.
around here, as part of my word for the year – CONNECT – i am trying to send more snail mail.
around here, the hellebore i planted in my front garden last year is living up to its more common name, ‘lenten rose’.
around here, there are subtle signs of spring popping up everywhere. i’ve noticed cute, little juncos and wrens in the backyard. there are spikes of daffodil foliage shooting up. new shoots on my rose bush. and the most tell-tale sign of all….the wind is sweeping down the plains.
around here, i am loving that the days are getting noticeably longer. it is no longer dark when tripp and i get back from our runs. i can feel it…spring will be here soon.
what’s new in your neck of the woods?
Love! Well….around here we are trying to catch our breath and trying to comprehend what is about to happen. We are moving into a new cycle of life and normal. We are enjoying every moment. 🙂 Can’t wait to see you and give you all the details!
Love each and every one of these! Awesome moments!
The dogs look so laid back. – Loved the Valentines in the trees and the yummy looking food.