around here, we have been enjoying two glorious mornings in a row. in case you are curious, glorious = sunny and no wind. which after five days of rain and clouds is a welcome relief!
around here, everything is so lush and so green. tripp is really proud of his fescue lawn in the backyard. four-plus inches of rain will do that.
around here, the actual amount of rain is up for debate because tripp’s super fancy outdoor weather station thingy quit working right before the big rain. we got said weather station for tripp for his birthday this past november and it’s been working great. it measures temp, humidity, wind speed/direction, and rainfall and comes with not only a LCD display that we have in kitchen – but wait there’s more! i also sprang for the digital thingamabob that connects to the intranets so that tripp can log in from work to see how much rain we got at home. because weather underground wasn’t accurate enough?? (if you’re new around here – the gauging of the rain is a very. big. deal.) at any rate, tripp installed some new batteries and it seems to be working fine. but the really big problem now is that it’s not accurately displaying the month-to-date rainfall. which according to 1) weather underground, 2) the old electronic rain gauge, and 3) the super old-school, analog rain gauge we got a little more than four inches. so tripp added water to the fancy weather station so that it would reflect this week’s rain. #helpme
around here, while tripp is obsessed with the rain gauge, i am obsessed with bumblebees.
around here, we are living out the lyrics to a luke bryan country song with cottonwood seeds falling ‘like snow in july’. tripp and i were running this morning and with the morning sun i swear it was like living in a magical, fairy land. well that is unless you count the road construction barrels everywhere.
dear tulsa…it’s getting really old.
anyway, that’s the report from my neck of the woods. i’m looking forward to a weekend at home and getting my hands dirty in the garden. wishing you a weekend full of whatever makes you feel alive and happy!
happy weekend friends!
love, kelly
LOVE this post Kelly! The photos are so beautiful…they are just the right perspective to make me feel like I’m looking in from the outside somehow. Well, I hope Tripp’s weather thingamajig starts working, and that you enjoy some wonderful garden time. I know the feeling of “two days in a row” same weather – I told my hubs yesterday that I’d love to have 5 days guaranteed same weather – quiet, sunny, perfect temps! He he…not in Indiana.