Sheetrock is a beautiful thing.
Once the sheetrock goes it, everything starts taking shape. It starts looking more like a bathroom rather than a fun-house maze of 2 x 4’s.
So here is the shower and toilet area.
And here is the vanity area.
I just love how light and bright this room is now.
I am actually quite thrilled with how things are shaping up in the bathroom.
But drywall dust….not so much.
I am waging a war in my house. A war with drywall dust. And I am losing.
I don’t know what it is about drywall dust, but it gets everywhere. And sticks. It’s like, if baby powder and hairspray had a love-child, her name would be drywall dust. (or maybe his name? am I really wondering about the gender of drywall dust now??)
Even with the reinforcements sent to my aid (our contractor’s lovely wife), it’s still a losing battle. This wonderful angel of mercy just dusted our bedroom yesterday!
Now the dust is just taunting me.
OK. I give up…you win.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m going to reserve a room at the Crazytown Hotel.
Peace Out.
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