Every once in a while I feel the need to embrace my inner cry baby and this weekend turned out to be it. Like most cry baby episodes it started so innocently - looking through a new scrapbook magazine. Page after page of 1st day of school and cute baby projects left me with a really good case of ... read more
Home Tour Mini-Album
We live in a historical neighborhood and about a year and a half ago, we were invited to be on a home tour. We had finally finished all of our ice storm repair and completed our backyard renovation. We had been renovating non-stop for four years so it was such a compliment to be asked to be on ... read more
pumpkin – the good, the bad, and the ugly
this is our cat, pumpkin. isn't she pretty? such pretty markings and so fluffy... what do you think now? pretty huh? like cat hair tumbleweeds. my new motto is - "you may look at the ball of fur, but please don't twine it into yarn." oh and this was a good one. this little number was right ... read more
the sunday funk
what is the sunday funk you ask? well, it's occasional foul mood i find myself in when i've gone and left all my housework, laundry, etc for sunday night and knowing that monday the whole crazy mess starts all over again. it's kinda like that thing where a lot women feel the need to clean house ... read more