What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer, the fulfillment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade.
Gertrude Jekyll
Whenever I have been away from my blog for an extended length of time, I always struggle with how to say hello again. In case you were curious, below is a list of the some of the greetings I was considering:
- Hello friend. – apparently this is considered a no-no now based on rules for social media engagement <<<shaking my head like the gen-x’er I am>>>
- Remember me? – this just felt dumb
- I’m sorry I’ve been a terrible blogger – this seems 1) too critical and 2) what am I actually apologizing for?
Anyway, all this nonsense is my overthought way of acknowledging the fact that it’s been a while since I’ve shared anything in this space. I could bore your to tears with a dozen reasons why, but what it really comes down to is this: my actual, real life is very full right now. And I am trying very hard to be a better steward of my physical and mental resources, which both play a significant role in my creative life, by saying no to some things so that I can be more present to other things.
I am totally OK with the fact that some of my usual creative pursuits are taking a backseat to Kelsey’s wedding plans (which are the source of a totally different kind of creative delight) as well as some other big decisions that need the full attention of my heart and head right now. This is the ebb and flow of the creative life and I am wholeheartedly embracing this season for what it is.
As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for following along with me on this journey, and for letting me share my stories and life with you.
Love, Kelly
Welcome back! I’ve missed your beautiful photography and stories
No need to apologize for anything! I look forward to whatever you share from Kelsey’s wedding as I am sure it will be love in every way possible.
Happy things to occupy your thoughts (a wedding!) What a wonderful time in your life, enjoy every minute,