I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden. ~Ruth Stout
Hello spring. Hello garden. Hello flowers.
I spent the better part of last weekend working in garden. It made me so happy to see everything coming alive.
The promise of spring blooms is everywhere.
I am super excited about my new flowerbed. I was finally able to get all of the money grass taken out a couple weeks ago so now comes the fun part! Planting! And so far I’ve added another new David Austin rose…this time a yellow, climbing variety. I’ve also added some creeping phlox…I’ve never had great luck with it, but hoping this sunnier spot in the yard will help.
I’m also trying this new salvia – you might recall that I am a sucker for tall, purpley, spiky flowers. Hoping the butterflies like it too.
OH! And something new that I’m really excited about year…
Dahlias! I’ve never grown them, but I think this location will be good…lots of morning/early afternoon sun and shade during the hottest part of the day. I’ll keep you posted!
Of course where there is a garden there are also weeds. I’ve got this little grove of tree seedlings popping up out back that I need to get to.
I also have a garden full of little violets.
Confession…I don’t mind these little guys…in fact, I think they’re quite charming.
At any rate, it’s a beautiful time of year.
I hope it makes you as happy as it does me.
Love, Kelly
This is so beautiful garden, lovely flowers. As summer is approaching, I am also planning to grow more variety of flowers in my garden. I am going to my garden (with equipment) and start planting some good flowers.