hello friends. happy monday! i hope you had a nice weekend.
thought i might share some of the exciting stuff that went on around here. which as usual, using the term ‘exciting’ quite loosely.
so to start with, friday the dogs had their spa day at the groomers. and as you can see daisy was beyond thrilled with having her hair cut.
when i wasn’t out and about running errands, i spent the better part of friday dragging the hose around the backyard. seems like september has decided to feel like summer instead of fall this year. at least in my neck of the woods.
and speaking of, i decided that i needed a new wreath for my front door. and well ‘need’ being used loosely of course. but i didn’t really want to put up my fall wreath yet. i wanted a ‘late summer’ wreath. so i went to hobby lobby and got a few supplies. and i’m really happy how it turned out.
i would just like to pause here to share an observation. and this is not a rant per se, but i’m just kind of having a problem with this thing that stores do of moving on to the next thing before the current thing is even over. like hobby lobby. now you guys know how much i love hobby lobby…but there is just something about having christmas decorations out that is going all over me. and i know that there are people who make a living doing crafts and whatnot and need this time to get a jump start on their stuff. i don’t know i guess i’m just at a place in my life where time seems to be clicking off at super sonic speed. i am trying to savor the right here and right now…and i’m not done with september yet.
sorry… end of rant.
anyway, in other riveting news, i bought a new handbag. i like these BIG BUDDHA bags. this particular one is a good size and look how pretty the inside is too.
i don’t want to get off on another rant here, but why is it so hard to find pretty, well-made handbags that don’t cost a fortune. you know, i love high-quality designer handbags as much as the next girl, but come one…$300??
and on a related note, i found a lovely red wine at my local wine shop. it’s what i like to call ‘everyday’ wine. which at $11 a bottle is my definition of win-win.
and let’s see…what else…oh, yeah, saturday tripp drove down to the football game. i decided to sit this one out. just needed a day to catch up. you know…on important things like wreaths. and my project life album.
my girl sent me this cute pic though of the two of them in the stands. she usually sits stands in the student section, so it’s a real treat for her to actually sit during the game. plus apparently our side has much better snack options.
and as for me, the rest of saturday i spent at home puttering around. which in all honestly was just so delightful.
i mean don’t get me wrong…i miss my girl so much. but sometimes, quiet time at home is essential for me to kind of recharge.
and it’s a good thing that i recharged on saturday because sunday we worked around the house all day after we got back from mass. cleaning windows is my favorite!
..said no one ever.
in the spirit of full disclosure, i should probably tell you that it’s the first time we’d been to mass in…well in a while. let’s just say that. in fact, it’s been long enough that we weren’t aware that our parish had changed our regular sunday mass time. we started to have an inkling when we pulled up and there were still parking spaces available. so suffice it to say, our arriving five minutes early to 11:00 a.m. mass – feeling like rock stars that we weren’t running late i might add! – meant that we were twenty minutes early to the now 11:15 a.m. mass. which also means that we’ll never be able to beat the baptists to panera now. which is probably a whole ‘nother thing we can talk about another time.
anyway, all’s well that ends well. that was my exciting weekend.
and here we are at monday again. but i have clean windows, a happy family, and a full heart. guess i couldn’t ask for more than that.
with love, kelly
I heart you, Kelly, through and through, for seeing it all, for being so grateful for it all.
oh you just make me giggle….and you see what happened to me when I took Toby to the groomers, came home with another little (soon to be groomed) dog. Hint…do not take your dog to Petsmart on a Saturday, any Saturday, that’s when they have the adoption center set up. Love your wreath and don’t get me started on early Christmas decorations!!
Loved the blow by blow, the ranting and giggled about beating the other church goers to panera!
What Maggie says… especially the Panera part! Love the little slices of your weekend Kelly!
Yup. I get it. Just puttering around the house by myself is bliss. Which might be why I like being retired. Nobody to raise their eyebrows when you take photos of your cleaning gear, etc. But I must tell you … I got tired just listening to what you did yesterday. Take it easy from now on, okay?
i AM impressed! beautiful windows! We use to have these big ring necked pigeons and it never failed~i’d clean…they’d crash into the windows! thankfully none of them broke their necks…They’d leave a perfect outline of their bodies on my shiny windows! Adore your pooch AND that wreath. Great post today Kelly.
I have to admit staying home this week
Gave me some time to clean pool filters and finish a table for out back! But I really missed seeing y’all and our girls! Some times it’s good to catch up and recharge.
A full heart and a full glass of wine! Win – win! It sounds like your weekend was the perfect combination of productive and relaxing. Well done!
those darned baptists—they beat us to everything, don’t they? sounds like a very peaceful weekend!
Loved reading this post. Reading your blog has helped me gain perspective and appreciation of these “empty nest” years. Our life can be full it we just take the time to notice (taking photos helps too).