Hello my name is Kelly…
…and I am a chocoholic.
I love all chocolate. All kinds of chocolate, but I especially love dark chocolate. And my all time favorite chocolate is this-
The chocolate is smooth and slightly sweet and rich. And candy coating adds just enough crunch to make it interesting. These are so, so good. I love this chocolate. Oh Lord my mouth is watering.
***I’m gonna need just a minute here please***
OK. I’m back.
So here’s the thing – I cannot have these in the house. Ever. I have zero self-control.
A few years ago, not long after we moved into this house, Tripp had been gone for several days on a business trip to California. Like he is oft to do, he brought home treats for Kelsey and me. Ghirardelli Chocolates in fact. For Kelsey, he brought a small bag of the caramel squares, and for me, a small bag of favorite dark chocolate non-pareils.
Before we could get through the formalities of, “How was your flight?” “How was your trip?” “Did you have good weather?” I had already torn into my package of candy coated chocolate heaven. The problem I have with these moderation. I think those little white candy spheres must contain some kind of brain altering drug because I lose all mindfulness of how much I’m eating.
I was able to break free from the spell long enough to put them in the refrigerator hoping that out of sight would indeed be out of mind. My darling daughter, who appreciated her treats in much more civilized manner, did the same.
I became keenly aware of my problem when I would sneak away from my family to refrigerator. I’d tell myself, “OK, just one or two ok maybe three, but THAT’S IT.” Only to go back a short time later and say, “OK just one – and this time let it melt in your mouth.”
It should not come as any surprise that in 24 hours my chocolates were gone.
Unfortunately, the chocolate fiend within had been unleashed screaming, “FEED ME!” a la Little Shop of Horrors. I had no choice but to feed the monster and the only chocolate left was my sweet baby’s caramel squares. Day two of my furtive chocolate feeding frenzy commenced and by that evening, I was completely tweaked out.
The next day my lovely daughter, in all her sweet temperate disposition, went to the refrigerator to enjoy one of her caramel chocolate squares and was devastated to find that her bag of treats was empty.
In shock and dismay, my baby cried out, “Momma! Did you eat all my chocolate!!!???”
I don’t know what hurt worse – the fact that child immediately turned to me as the cracked out chocolate addict. Or the fact that I had, indeed, eaten all her chocolate.
I gave up chocolate for Lent that year.
Since then I have learned to control myself a little better. When I feel like I might start getting carried away, all I have to do is picture Kelsey’s face that day and it instantly shocks me out of the cocoa induced psychosis.
She does however hide any treats that her daddy brings home.
Peace, your semi-recovered chocoholic.
[…] I’ve shared before, I cannot be trusted with chocolate – mine or anyone else’s for that […]