My dad always had this saying about letting things go or not letting something get to you. When faced with a criticism or disappointment he’d say, “It’s like water off a duck’s back.”
This Sunday is a big day for two reasons. Number one because we are having our family over for a graduation party for Kelsey before the Baccalaureate Mass at her school. And Sunday was also supposed to the day that everything was done. I had it in my mind that by Baccalaureate Sunday all of the loose ends of my life would be neatly tied up so that there would be nothing to interfere with Kelsey’s final week of school and Graduation. Unfortunately that’s just not the case. I have finally accepted the fact the following things are just not going to happen:
- the last speck of construction residue has been eliminated from my house.
- my irises are divided and relocated
- losing ten pounds.
- my cat no longer pees on the bathroom rug.
- being perfectly at peace with the fact that my only child is graduating from high school and will be leaving for college at the end of the summer.
It’s imperfect and not what I had planned at all. But I’m OK with it. Otherwise, I might have to rent a condo in Crazytown.
So I’m letting it go…it’s like water off a duck’s back.
Peace, Kelly
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