i just needed a new font. really…that’s all. it’s the perfectionist in me….and that’s how this whole thing got started.
i guess i should back up a little.
so back in december, i get the loveliest email from a gal at skillshare.com. she had seen one of my projects from the art of modern calligraphy class that i had taken (you can read more about that class here)…and she asked me if i had ever thought about teaching a calligraphy class of my own.
i was so touched that she reached out to me like that. wow…what a compliment! but i graciously declined because 1) back in december my calligraphy was VERY rusty and 2) the way skillshare works, the instructor is supposed to come up with a quick and easy project as the class deliverable. and i just didn’t feel like i had any new take on calligraphy…especially considering the amazing calligraphy classes taught by legit professionals that skillshare already offered.
so that was that. or so i thought. because the gal at skillshare persisted saying that students often make the best teachers and asked if i would be interested in teaching any other courses. to which i humbly replied, “well i enjoy experimenting in lightroom with my post-processing techniques….” she thought it sounded like a great idea and asked me to put together a class description.
i thought about the class and what might make a fun project for a class deliverable…and i came up with the idea of one photos four ways. i looked through the other lightroom classes at skillshare, and although there are a few others, none of them really concentrated on post-processing variations. and so i fleshed the idea out a bit and submitted my proposal. and right before christmas i found out they accepted it and gave me the green light to create the class.
anyway, like i said, all of this started at the beginning of december and my girl was going to be home for christmas break and the holidays were around the corner. so i told them it would be after the new year before i could actually work on my class content. then after my girl went back to campus, i got work creating class content…during those first couple of weeks in january, i burned some serious midnight oil tweaking my class description and recording my screencasts.
plus i also had to video myself in an introduction. gawd. help me. more on this later.
at any rate, this is my ridiculously long-winded way of sharing with you that i have created a class at skillshare.com called, wait for it, Adobe Lightroom::One Photo Four Ways.
so clever and original i know. but if you’re curious, here is the official class description.
Creating unique image edits is fast and easy in Adobe Lightroom. By learning a few key elements, you can transform your photographs into a variety of looks. From a clean, basic edit into an edgy, cross-processed style….all it takes is a few simple adjustments.
Explore your creativity and discover the endless possibilities in your post-processing workflow. This 60 minute class will provide you all of the tools and techniques you need to create custom edits that reflect your unique photographic vision.
sounds pretty legit right? don’t even ask me how many time i have edited this thing.
the unique thing about skillshare is that all of their classes are project driven. so here is the official project description.
Your assignment for this class is to create a simple layout of one photograph with four unique post-processing variations. Utilizing Lightroom’s Develop module, experiment with the various sliders and panels to create your own creative photo edits. Discover how quick and easy it is to transform the mood and feel of one photo into four dramatically different looks.
also you all will proud that there is not one mention of my cat’s litter box in any of my course material.
warning!! shameless self-promotion ahead!
anyway, if you are interested in learning more about post-processing in adobe lightroom, i would encourage you to check out my class. i created the class structure in such a way…well let me just say that this would be the class that, as a beginner, i would have learned best from. if that makes any sense at all.
i would just like to add here that it is because of you all that i am here telling you about my skillshare class. it is because of all your kind words, encouragement, questions about my post-processing…you have no idea how much it means to me.
and finally. in my class i talk a lot about transformation. transforming the look and feel of a photograph. but really what this class speaks to is my transformation…my Heavenly Father’s work in me. transforming my life, transforming my art. and i am so profoundly grateful to be able to share it all with you.
all my love, kelly
How exciting this is! And what great processing–it always amazes me how a few tweaks here and there can totally change a photo!
thank you so much roxanne!
Still looking for a slot of time to watch your tutorial, I may have to do it in doses since I have Campbell for three days and it’s likely we’re going to get serious snow, i.e., snow days. But I’m so excited to see it and so excited for you because I know you’ve worked hard on this.
Oh my gosh! Kelly, I saw this class posted on FB somewhere…This is so exciting, and I know it will be so good! And I would LOVE to learn calligraphy, but not sure I have the patience…I have the pen, nibs and ink though! LOL I love LR!!