Seven days with no sun.
Here in my neck of the woods, the sun did not make an appearance one time last week. On top of that, the temperatures hovered at five degrees on either side of freezing. And it literally rained every day.
I’m not complaining about the rain – honest. For the past several years, our entire state has experienced some degree of drought and so the rain is blessing…it truly is.
And in case you were curious, we received a little over four inches of rain during that time. As always, the gauging of rain is still a very big deal in our household.
Also, I still misspell GAUGE every time I type it.
But after a week with no sun, we were all going a little stir-crazy in this household.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Needless to say, the gloomy weather didn’t do much for my mood or my photography…I’ve been feeling so completely uninspired these past couple of weeks. But after five years of daily photography, I’ve learned that these creative ebbs and flows are kind of like that saying about Oklahoma weather – just give it a minute and it will surely change.
Thankfully the sun finally made an appearance yesterday which was delightful in every kind of way and I was determined to spend every blessed minute of the day outside.
It made all the difference.
Love, Kelly
Ahhhhh, yes, dreary weather makes for dreary creativity. But in about 5-6 months, it will be blistering hot here and that will stifle the creativity as well! (at least for me!). At least no rain GAUGES needed then 😉
haha. tis true! 😉