This week’s prompt hit me upside the head in the shower this week. I was shaving my legs and just happened to notice the inspirational message on my bottle of body wash.
It reads:
…to find peace, you must first quiet your mind and open your heart…in the absence of activity you will find the only thing that matters, the gift of living in the present moment, become peace personified.”
I have a hard time being still. Whether I’m literally on the go or mentally spinning my wheels, it seems like I’m always moving. That’s why I love practicing yoga.
I DVR Adrienne Reed’s Power Yoga program, and like most every other yoga class I’ve ever been to, she ends the program with Savasana (Corpse Pose). And then she says her closing words, “Be still in your heart, be still in your mind.”
Being still=Living in the present moment=Mindfulness=Peace. I love that.
As you’ve probably noticed, I usually end my blog posts with Peace. Partly because it’s like my own little affirmation to slow down and pay attention – that’s when I notice the little things and experience the joy of my own ordinary, wonderful life. But mostly, signing off with Peace is my expression of faith in God. For me, true Peace comes from knowing that God loves me and trusting that God has everything under control.
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
Peace, Kelly
Isn’t it amazing what ideas and thoughts hit you when you take time to notice? I really like your post and message.
My pic was about a calming herbal ointment, so I guess we’re in the same genre this week!
My post was about a calming herbal ointment, so I guess we’re in the same genre this week!
I have “Grace” in my shower too!! And I love philosophy products because I adore the packaging and the words of wisdom. I even recently bought ceramic soap dish because it said, “Stop. Smile. Breathe. Life is Beautiful.” I thought that was a good message to remember during my morning routine!
I have a hard time sitting still too. Love the yoga mat photo!
Very cool. So you think if I drank some of that body wash, it would make me still? Lovely message!