In my very first blog post I wrote how the start Kelsey’s senior year felt like a thunderstorm looming on the horizon. As I sit here watching yet another storm roll in and listen to the weather on television, it feels more real than ever.
Back in August I could feel the storm brewing within. I could see the dark and ominous clouds in the distance, billowing and swelling in intensity. The winds of change signaled the approach of the storm. Throughout the course of the year, the thunder rattled my psyche while the lightning illuminated painful memories in the dark night. Adding insult to injury, we have also been pelted by a hailstorm of stressful circumstances. My tears have poured out like rain more often than I care to admit.
I have been riding out the storm and clinging to my faith for courage and strength. My friends and family have offered help and support in so many ways whether it be help around the house, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to vent to, or just a hug and kind word.
Yesterday was the Baccalaureate Mass for Kelsey’s class and we were reminded of her school’s core values of Truth, Unity, and Love. The scripture readings also echoed those virtues. St. Peter reminded us that Jesus is the “cornerstone” and the spiritual foundation of our Christian community (1 Peter 2:4-9). And Jesus himself tells us, “Do not let your hearts be troubled” because He is “the way and the truth and the life.” (John 14:1-12). As always, God’s Word brought healing and peace to the storm in my heart.
All day long, I’ve been watching the news reports about Joplin. My heart goes out to all those affected by the horrifying tornado and violent storms – truly they have suffered widespread devastation and loss. Everyone I know is just heartbroken for our neighbors to the northeast. Once again I am reminded of God’s healing words. We know that Jesus is the Truth and the Life and the cornerstone of our lives. I pray that those who have lost so much will take comfort in knowing that our Lord will help them rebuild their lives and homes. I also hope that they find comfort in the prayers and aid of a spiritual community filled with compassion and loving kindness.
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