yesterday started out so beautifully. but all that changed when a massive thunderstorm rolled through green country. a brief tornado threat followed by damaging winds and torrential rains.
sidenote #1::you know you’re an okie when you hear the tornado sirens blaring and the first thing you do is go look out the window. bonus points if you take a picture too.
sidenote #2::taking shelter in a 100 year old office building is super fun! {{said no one ever}}
there were downed power lines and snapped trees all over town. we didn’t get power on until around 8:00 p.m.
sidenote #3::i don’t presume to have many male blog readers except perhaps my husband and a few family members. so if you are male and reading this, consider the pictures of the big-tree-limb-picker-upper truck as a gift for you. #you’rewelcome
but all is well that ends well, right?
yesterday ended just at it had started with beautiful light and my grateful heart.
peace, kelly
Kelly – The big tree limb picker upper truck was sweet! Wish I had one. Please post more pics.
signed, your mom’s cousin Mike
haha! that’s awesome. glad you liked it! 🙂
So glad you are safe and sound. Those storms can be might scary.
thank you my friend. yes indeed…summer storms can be pretty scary.
Only you could make it so beautiful. Love, Carolyne