“it’s time to get into summer mode.”
these were my husband’s words as we were getting into to the car to head to mass yesterday morning. i love that. summer mode.
merriam-webster defines mode as:
- a customary way of doing something
- a manner of acting
- a method or way
and when it comes to summer, there is most definitely a change in way we do things. a different kind of pace. a different focus.
right now, summer mode is getting up early to run. this morning, tripp and i got up for our first early-morning run of the summer. as much as i hate getting out of bed, it was totally worth it for the cool morning air and the lovely morning light. and the added bonus is having more freedom and flexibility in the evenings.
right now, summer mode is sitting outside all evening. less hurrying, more lingering. until the bugs and heat and humidity get too bad…because we do still live in oklahoma after all.
right now, summer mode is less tv and more golden hour walkabouts. it’s part of my ‘summer magic’ plan to stay inspired and connected this year. add in a few baby bunnies…well that’s just about as good as it gets.
what does summer mode mean to you?
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