Every once in a while I feel the need to embrace my inner cry baby and this weekend turned out to be it. Like most cry baby episodes it started so innocently – looking through a new scrapbook magazine. Page after page of 1st day of school and cute baby projects left me with a really good case of the “bawlies” (what my mom likes to call these occasional, emotional episodes of mine). So after a good cry, a long walk, and hard look in the mirror I finally got my act together. Instead of dwelling on the fact that those wonderful baby milestones are a thing of the past and that I won’t be taking any more 1st day of school photos, I am channeling my best new age guru and expressing my gratitude with affirmations of love about my only wonderful, delightful child.
Here are 10 things I love about my daughter (in no particular order)
- her sleepy, just woke up face
- the funny, silly voices when she’s acting goofy
- her rosy cheeks
- her brilliant, genuine smile
- the freckle on the bottom of her foot
- her well-organized bathroom drawers
- her responsible attitude toward homework
- her long eyelashes
- the fringe of baby hair at the top of her forehead
- the way her eyes water when she gets to laughing hard
Wow. How about that…looks like I still have lots of great things to scrapbook after all.
Peace, Kelly
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