We are homeward bound from our Spring Break trip to Houston. Kelsey is sprawled out in the backseat asleep, Tripp is complaining and trying to figure out the GPS in my car, and I am typing this blog post on my laptop while trying to help Tripp program the GPS so he can keep his eyes on the road. All is right with the world.
We had such a great time with our friends. Even just hanging out at their house and pool is enjoyable especially when the weather is gorgeous like it was most of the week.
So before reality sets in and it’s back to grind, I thought I’d recap some of the highlights of our week:
10. Mutton Bustin’ and Brad Paisley at the Houston Rodeo
9. Fajitas, Tortillas, and Margaritas (oh my!)
8. A leisurely game of golf for the guys
7. An afternoon of power shopping for the girls and new swim suits all around
6. Witnessing Kelsey and Cayli’s diabetic coma from the ginormous piece of cookie cake they ate at the mall
5. Proving to myself that I at least have some coordination when I beat Carrie in a Dance Central dance off
4. Watching Carrie’s eye twitch when Brant and Bryce argue and wrestle……everyday
3. P T L (for those of us over the age of 25, PTL is Jersey Shore speak for Pool, Tan, Laundry)
2. Listening to Bryan and Tripp giggle like little girls when they reminisce about fun times at OU/TX games
1. Seeing our kids enjoy the lifelong friendship that began with a haircut at the mall
Peace, Kelly
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