We have illness running rampant in our house. I think it’s contagious. I first started noticing some signs the weekend after Les Mis wrapped, but since then this illness has started getting progressively worse.
I think we have a bad case of Senioritis.
I always considered it a bit of an urban legend, but now that I’ve experienced it myself, I feel the need to warn all you parents of high school students. So here are ten symptoms of senioritis you might watch to watch out for:
- Your senior hits the snooze button at least four times every morning.
- Your senior spends more time studying the PB Teen catalog for dorm room accessories than her Environmental Studies book.
- Your senior displays an overall lack of motivation.
- Your senior has adopted a “homework is optional” attitude.
- Your senior rarely takes her backpack to school anymore.
- Your senior procrastinates finishing her senior thesis.
- Your senior regularly makes statements like, “I’m done” or “I am so over this.”
- Your senior complains of fatigue yet manages to stay up late into the texting friends.
- Your senior has conveniently forgotten to carry her laundry upstairs for the past two weeks and therefore wears mismatched socks to school.
- Your senior has started a 30 day countdown to graduation.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to look into some meds…
…for myself.
Peace, Dr. Mom
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