this week we saw a mix of snow and sun.
as you can see…riley, daisy and i took full advantage of the golden hour whenever possible.
this week my street was overrun by a flock of migrating (i’m guessing?) robins. i think they were attracted to our street by my neighbor’s ginormous holly tree which was covered in bright red berries.
see all those little blobs in the trees?? those are robins. we have typically have robins all year long, but not this many! it was so cool.
there were literally hundreds of them in my backyard at one point drinking the melting snow from the pits and scores in our back patio. thankfully (!!) we were spared this mess. apparently robins have better manners than cedar wax wings.
with the exception of the robins, this week was pretty quiet and uneventful. which for me is always a good thing. it was nice to have some down time to work on my project life album.
i bought one of those studio calico project life kits a couple of months ago. which was a nice change-up to the regular kit i had been using. but as always, my enjoyment of this hobby is inversely proportional to the amount of time i spend obsessing about embellishments.
i know…fascinating stuff.
anyway in other riveting news, i bought some yellow tulips.
the forecast for the next several days calls for freezing temps and snow. so i decided to take matters into my own hands. making my own sunshine right now.
so with that, i think i’ll wrap things up. i have a load of t-shirts to be folded and floors to swept.
and tulips to enjoy.
happy friday my friends! hope you are staying warm and cozy!! love, kelly
I’d say it was a good week! I had such a week, too, and like you, the calm is welcome. I kind of like my ‘rut’ … most of the time. Have a great weekend! xo