New day, same chair. Even if it’s just for 10 minutes, it makes such a difference by staring my day this way. It truly helps me to feel more centered, grounded, and connected to my life.
Tuesday morning, I spent a few minutes before Tripp came downstairs to work on my photos from Monday. For a big project like this it helps me to keep up better if I can work on it in little pieces throughout the duration.
Tripp went outside to get the paper…it was a lovely morning. So sunny and calm – nothing like Monday’s storm. After he left for work, I went upstairs to get ready.
I don’t regularly make the bed in the morning. It’s one less thing to worry about before heading to work. Plus Tripp sleeps with the top sheet untucked on his side, so even if I did make the bed, Tripp would kick it undone when he got in at night. So at night we’ll just take a minute to straighten everything out.
I love this little corner cabinet in our bathroom. It’s where I keep my perfume and my earrings. Some artificial roses and baby pictures of Kelsey in there too.
I try to not obsess about aging too much, but as I approach my 49th birthday here in a couple of weeks, I am becoming keenly aware of my wrinkled, blotched, and saggy skin. So I do what I can and try to not let it get to me too much.
Once I finish getting ready, I come downstairs and stop to take a photo of this view….I always love the way the light comes in through our French doors this time of year.
And because it was such a pretty morning and not windy (which this time of year is a real pain in the ass and makes outdoor photography really challenging!) I took a quick walkabout in the backyard. So many beautiful blooms this time of year!
Walking back in the house I notice how the roses I picked over the weekend are dropping their petals. Which I think is just about as lovely as the roses were to start with.
Finally I grab a quick bite of breakfast (I have peanut butter toast about 90% of the time), take my vitamins, then I’m out the door to work.
I get to work around 8:45 and begin my day. Thankful for a relatively easy day with no major problems.
I was happy to see blue sky on my drive home.
At home I grab a quick snack and then head upstairs to my office to finish my blog post from earlier that morning.
Next I take the opportunity to put some things away and clean up my office a bit.
Dear Project Life album…I love you.
I alway have at least two or three water glasses that seem to get left in each room of the house.
When Tripp gets home, he changes into his running clothes. We both got new shoes over the weekend. His and hers Asics…size 11 and size 8 respectively.
Tripp sets off for his run and I take Daisy with me to go walk. I purposefully gave up running at the start of the year. I had found that my bad runs far exceeded my good runs and it was giving me a fair amount of anxiety. Which leads to a myriad of other problems for me. So once again, I am listening to my body. And for right now, running is not right for me. So I try to walk on the days that I don’t do yoga.
After we get back, Tripp grabs a quick shower and we get ready to go to the Tulsa Drillers baseball game. Tripp’s mom swings by the house and we take her car over to the ball field where we meet up with my dad. (Baseball isn’t really my mom’s thing so sat this one out).
Tuesdays are $2 beer and $2 hotdog night.
Neither of which we got, but it was a beautiful night to sit outside and enjoy the game.
Kelsey came with us. Always a treat to get to spend time family.
Forcing myself to get in the picture (photo credit::Tripp).
As I was loading the pictures onto my computer last night, I am always struck by how few pictures of faces I take anymore. Which is so strange considering the fact that for the first 15-20 years of being married and raising a family, that’s all I took pictures of. I know being an empty-nester has a lot to do with that, but it’s certainly something for me to think about.
Sixth inning ice cream break for the win!
We left the game at the beginning of the seventh inning, around 9:30. After we got home, we went upstairs and got ready for bed. I took a few minutes to catch up on Instagram. How fitting is it that Ali is in my feed when the camera timer went off!!
I’m really careful about screen time before bed. Sometimes it gets me a little too wired and I have trouble falling asleep. But Tuesday was such a lovely day in every way. And I feel asleep with an untroubled and very grateful heart.
Love, Kelly
This is so lovely Kelly. Your photos are beautiful!
thank you so much jenny!!
Loved your post Kelly. Your pictures are fabulous and makes me want a new camera. Mostly I am envious of your sun. It snowed today where I am in Canada but I did go see icebergs so I suppose we give and take.
Thank you so much Cathy! I am grateful to live in an area where we have relatively mild, short-lived winters. Come August though, we’ll being paying for it. 😉