But first, coffee…
That expression is pretty much my mantra. First thing, without fail. Stating for the record that the automatic coffee pot timer is the greatest invention of the 20th century. Dry-shampoo running a close second.
This morning it was Grapenuts with banana for Tripp along with the morning news – both the paper and local station.
I love having the door open this time of year…before the bugs get bad.
Another shot of our bed. Whenever I do a project like Week in the Life, I like to include a recurring theme/image….I like the repetition throughout the finished album. Tthis time I decided to include this view of our bed when I come upstairs to get ready for work. I love it for a lot of reasons. First, I love the way the morning light comes in through the window. Letting the light shine in….it’s a way of life for me. Then, I feel like a bedroom is sort of an intimate place in a person’s home. And by that I mean I probably wouldn’t go into someone’s bedroom unless I was really close friends with them. In so in this case, it seems appropriate to include these shots since I’m trying to capture an intimate view of our life this week. And finally, stopping for one minute to take this photo is like setting a pin. A physical pause in my day. And on days where I don’t feel like I don’t stop from the time I get up until the time I go to bed, that feels good.
Ready for work, day two hair.
Lately I’ve been doing my hair in the other bathroom. Still so happy with the shelves I put up a few months ago.
Note to self…I really need to fill those holes and touch up the paint.
After a quick bite I head off to work. One of the things I love about my job is the five-minute commute.
I’m also grateful to have a paid, covered parking space.
My boss’s office is in a 100 year-old building. Love the history and character of these old buildings.
My day starts with a list of emails which generates my work for the morning. My boss usually comes in later, but she’s out of the office teaching so it will be email correspondence all day. I don’t mind the solitude though.
As it turned out, my good friend Carolyne was close by on Wednesday so we were able to grab lunch. I rarely go out at lunchtime so getting to spend some time with her away from my desk was real treat!
We decided to try the new(ish) ramen noodle place just down the street.
Carolyne and I worked together at my previous company and she has an adventurous spirit that I just adore.
She’s also one of the kindest souls I know… so enjoyed getting to spend time with her at lunch.
As we walked back to the building, I was reminded of how grateful I am to have made so many wonderful friends through work.
The rest of my afternoon went by quickly. I left the office around 4:00 p.m. which was later than I had hoped to leave. But I wanted to tie up a few loose ends before leaving so that I wouldn’t have to deal with it the next day.
I dream of someday being able to make a living doing something in more of a creative field, like with photography or lettering. But for now, any frustration I have with my job is tempered with a strong dose of gratitude for even having one (a part-time one at that!!)…the past few years have been devastating for the oil and gas industry in Tulsa. I have several good friends who’ve lost their jobs recently. And the other I remind myself is that my work has a direct impact on the life of my family…which makes it all worth it.
Also coming home to this face makes everything better.
Every afternoon when I get home Daisy comes rushing up to the car door and puts her little front paws up in the air. It’s the cutest thing. I like to think she’s happy to see me too. But it could also be because she gets treats whenever I get home too. 😉
On Wednesday the lawn service came. My version of that is have a house-keeping service. It is definitely a treat to have these services…and we both complain that neither one does as a good of a job as we would like them to do (as we would do), but it’s good enough. And it gives both Tripp and me so much more freedom during the week and one the weekend.
Tripp got home around 5:30 p.m… his usual time. His unusual attire was due to the fact that he played golf with one of his co-workers that afternoon…a well deserved afternoon off after having been traveling a good bit lately.
Tripp decided to walk with me instead of run. Which I always love. We comment on everyone’s beautiful landscaping. We comment of the ever-present neighborhood road construction.
Daisy was at the door waiting for us to get home.
After our walk, I got started on dinner. Thin cut chicken cutlets on the grill…simply seasoned with salt, pepper, and dried italian herbs.
Sidenote…do you say ‘H’erbs? Or erbs?
Also on the menu…
Tripp’s favorite. I decided to get color on my plate via a different way.
While I boil the noodles, I decided to run outside and snap a few pics…hopefully not forgetting that I have boiling pasta on the stove.
The light was pretty but it was crazy windy so I wasn’t to happy with my pictures. Oh well…that’s how it goes sometimes.
While I clean up the water that boiled over on the stove, Tripp finished up the chicken on the grill.
This is actually the second time he came through the backdoor. I made him go back outside and come in again so I could take a picture of him. He’s such a good sport…reason #4,386 why I love him so.
After dinner we clean up the kitchen. I pack up the leftovers for Thursday’s lunch. Tripp keeps an eye on the Thunder game.
He went downstairs to do some “work” (which I think was code for “watch more basketball”). I watered the pots on the porch.
I love that it’s stay light so much longer.
I caught up on my DVR’d shows then got ready for bed.
Tripp and I watched the news…more rain and storms in the forecast.
After the news it was lights out off to sleep.
It was a good day.
I’ve just adored your WITL blogs. Thanks for sharing. <3
Thank you so much Anne!
Im so happy I found your blog. Your WITL photos are wonderful, thank you for letting us peak into your life. Your dog and roses are beautiful..
thank you jackie!