spring alert!
we are interrupting the regularly scheduled, random nonsense to bring you this special bulletin.
the tulips in woodward park are in full bloom!
please go see them as soon as possible.
thank you. that is all.
practicing the art of an ordinary life
spring alert!
we are interrupting the regularly scheduled, random nonsense to bring you this special bulletin.
the tulips in woodward park are in full bloom!
please go see them as soon as possible.
thank you. that is all.
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Regular Contributor to Focusing on Life.
Story Teller for Ali Edwards Design Team
Currently Teaching at Big Picture Classes.
My Portfolio - Kelly Ishmael Photography
Well, you are ahead of us! We have tulips but my dogwood have mere buds just yet. Redbud are getting ready, in a day or two. These are beautiful, Kelly. One can never get too many tulips! Thanks for sharing.
Wow, these are beautiful, Kelly! The dogwoods in Fayetteville are just barely blooming. I’m hoping by next week we’ll be where you are. Hope you’re having a happy weekend!
Oh my, these are gorgeous. You have the perfect knack for finding the perfect angle to achieve the perfect image!
Sure, rub it in with your “dogwoods are blooming too”. We finally have a few daffodils. Springs is dragging Her heels here, but I can take hope seeing your beautiful, bright, colorful photos!
spring finally arrived in England today. Hurrah!!! Beautiful pictures.